The COPM assesses an individual’s perceived occupational performance in the areas of self-care, productivity, and leisure.
A 45-minute DVD and Workbook with COPM manual and 100 Forms is $225.45 (Canadian) or a Manual/Form Kit for $52.45 (Canadian) can be purchased from the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (cost determined in November, 2012)
9 (3 subgroups with three items in each)
Initially reviewed by the Rehabilitation Measures Team;
Updated with references from the TBI population by Anna de Joya, PT, DSc, NCS, Coby Nirider, PT, DPT, and the TBI EDGE task force of the Neurology Section of the APTA in 2012;
Updated with references for Arthritis, Pediatrics, and Ankylosing Spondylitis by Brianna DeBois, SPT, Samantha Dillon, SPT, and Jennifer Kick, SPT in 11/2012.
Updated by Maggie Bland PT,DPT,NCS and Nancy Byl PT,MPH,PhD, FAPTA and the StrokEdge II task force of the Neurology Section of the APTA in 2016.
Updated by Bridget Hahn, OTD, OTR/L, Kia Ashley Burks, OTS, Jordan Ginsburg, OTS, Kathryn Riggilo, OTS in summer 2019.
Recommendations for use of the instrument from the Neurology Section of the American Physical Therapy Association’s Multiple Sclerosis Taskforce (MSEDGE), Parkinson’s Taskforce (PD EDGE), Spinal Cord Injury Taskforce (PD EDGE), Stroke Taskforce (StrokEDGE), Traumatic Brain Injury Taskforce (TBI EDGE), and Vestibular Taskforce (Vestibular EDGE) are listed below. These recommendations were developed by a panel of research and clinical experts using a modified Delphi process.
For detailed information about how recommendations were made, please visit:
Reasonable to use, but limited study in target group / Unable to Recommend
Recommendations for use based on acuity level of the patient:
(CVA 2 to 6 months)
(SCI 3 to 6 months)
(> 6 months)
Recommendations based on level of care in which the assessment is taken:
Acute Care
Inpatient Rehabilitation
Skilled Nursing Facility
Home Health
Recommendations for use based on ambulatory status after brain injury:
Completely Independent
Mildly dependant
Moderately Dependant
Severely Dependant
Recommendations based on EDSS Classification:
EDSS 0.0 – 3.5
EDSS 4.0 – 5.5
EDSS 6.0 – 7.5
EDSS 8.0 – 9.5
Recommendations for entry-level physical therapy education and use in research:
Students should learn to administer this tool? (Y/N)
Students should be exposed to tool? (Y/N)
Appropriate for use in intervention research studies? (Y/N)
Is additional research warranted for this tool (Y/N)
The COPM was designed for use with all clients regardless of diagnosis (Law et al, 2004).
Do you see an error or have a suggestion for this instrument summary? Please e-mail us!
Acquired Brain Injury:
(Jenkinson et al, 2007; Community dwelling individuals; n=34 (TBI=21; CVA=11; Others=2); total of 15 patients with ABI were involved in the stability study, ABI)
Test–re-test reliability coefficients for the COPM ratings over the 8-week interval were all significant
Acquired Brain Injury:
(Jenkinson et al, 2007; Community dwelling individuals; n=34 (TBI=21; CVA=11; Others=2) , ABI)
Health and Safety Subtest of the Independent Living Scale
The COPM assessment focuses on measuring a mismatch between a person’s abilities and the demands of a task leading to functional impairment. (Macedo et al, 2009)
Research (Law et al 2004) suggests:
Acquired Brain Injury:
(Phipps et al, 2007; n=155 (TBI=38, CVA=117); Time from admission to discharge (TBI=141.26 (85.10); Right CVA=97.45 (72.99); Left CVA=96.47 (65.97), ABI)
(Jenkinson et al, 2007; Community dwelling individuals; n=34 (TBI=21; CVA=11; Others=2); total of 10 patients involved in an 8-week intervention group, ABI)
Traumatic Brain Injury:
(Trombly et al, 1998; Outpatient therapy services; n=16; gender=7 female and 9 male; mean age=43 (12.6); time since injury=22 (5.4), TBI)
(Trombly et al, 2002; outpatient rehabilitation; n=31; mean age=37.03 (12.16); gender=75% male; onset more than equal to 12 months=55%; onset less than equal to 3 months=19%; mixed level of severity, TBI)
Ankylosing Spondylitis:
(calculated from statistics in Kjenken et al, 2005; Rescore by personal interview, n=17, mean age 46.4 (12.8) years; Rescore by telephone, n=25, mean age 48.7 (13.3) years; Rescore by mail, n=24, mean age 46.6 (12.5) years; 2 weeks between assessments, Ankylosing Spondylitis)
Ankylosing Spondylitis:
(calculated from statistics in Kjeken et al, 2005)
(calculated byMacDermid et al, 2009 from Kjeken et al, 2005; n=87, women, mean age=62.7 (5.4) years, Hand Osteoarthritis)
Ankylosing Spondylitis:
(Kjenken et al, 2005)
(Ripat et al, 2001; n=13, stage 2 or stage 3 RA, Rheumatoid Arthritis)
*Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
(Macedo et al, 2009, Rheumatoid Arthritis)
(calculated from statistics in Cup et al, 2003, Acute Stroke) 2 to 6 months post onset
(calculated from statistics in Cup et al, 2003, Acute Stroke) 2 to 6 months post onset
Acute Stroke:
(Cup et al, 2003; n=26; mean age=68 (15) years; mean time between assessments=8 days (2.5) days, range 5–16 days, Acute Stroke)
Mean performance and satisfaction scores Mode number of problems identified over two assessments 3 to 5
(Cup et al, 2003; 2 to 6 months post onset, Acute Stroke)
(Cup et al, 2003; n=26; mean age=68 (15); gender; 11 males, 15 females; time post stroke: 24 patients 6 months post stroke, 2 patients 2 months post stroke, Stroke)
Test retest reliability: interval=8 days
(Cup et al, 2003, Acute Stroke)
26 participants were asked to identify problems over the course of two interviews. During the initial COPM interview 115 problems were identified. In the second interview 112 problems were identified. 64 problems (56%) mentioned in the first interview were also mentioned in the second interview.
Subjects with severe impaired sensation did not report exercise as a valued activity.
(Cup et al, 2003, Acute Stroke)
COPM performance scores:
In other words, standardized performance measures did not correlate with the COPM indicating strong evidence of discriminate validity.
The COPM assessment focuses on measuring a mismatch between a person’s abilities and the demands of a task leading to functional impairment. (Macedo et al, 2009)
Adults with impairment in 1 or more ADL:
(Eyssen et al, 2005; n=95; mean age 47 (15) years; various diagnoses; COPM administered twice, 7 days between assessments)
(Sewell & Singh, 2001, COPD)
Community Dwelling Disabled Individuals:
(McColl et al, 2000; n=61; disability unspecified, Community Dwelling Disabled Individuals)
Mixed Population (Disorders of wrist, hand and arm, Central neurological disorder, neuromuscular diseases, other diagnosis):
(Eyssen et al, 2011; Dutch version; n=138; mean age=51 (13), Mixed Population)
Flexor Tendon Injury, Extensor Tendon Injury, and Dupuytren Disease (Van de Ven-Stevens, Graff, Peters, Van der Linde, & Geurts, 2016; n=72)
Pearson Product Moment Correlations Between Assessments per Diagnosis and Overal a
COPM Performance Scale-DASH Questionnaire
COPM Performance Scale-MHQ
COPM Satisfaction Scale-DASH Questionnaire
COPM Satisfaction Scale-MHQ
DASH Questionnaire-MHQ
Flexor tendon injury
Extensor tendon injury
a COPM=Canadian Occupalonal Performance Measu e; DASH=Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder, and Hand; MHQ=Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire.
b Correlation was significant at the .01 level (2-tailed).
c Correlation was significant at the .05 level (2-tailed).
The COPM assessment focuses on measuring a mismatch between a person’s abilities and the demands of a task leading to functional impairment. (Macedo et al, 2009)
Flexor Tendon Injury, Extensor Tendon Injury, and Dupuytren Disease (Van de Ven-Stevens, Graff, Peters, Van der Linde, & Geurts, 2016)
Mixed neurologic sample:
(Bodium, 1999; in-patient rehabilitation; n=17; admission to discharge=10 weeks, Mixed Neurologic Sample)
Mixed neurological, orthopedic and cardiology sample:
(Wressle et al, 2002; n=155 experiment group and 55 in control group within geriatric, stroke and home rehabilitation; median age=80 experiment group and 79 control group; assessment after discharge=2-4 weeks with 88 patients in control group; 30 in control group, Mixed patients)
Mixed Population (Disorders of wrist, hand and arm, Central neurological disorder, neuromuscular diseases, other diagnosis):
(Eyssen et al, 2011; Dutch version; n=138; mean age=51 (13), Mixed Population)
Neuro Rehabilitation:
(Chenq et al, 2002; n=12, 7=cerebrovascular accident, 2=spinal cord injuries, & 3=TBI; mean age 42.5; Taiwanese sample, Neuro Rehabilitation)
Cerebral Palsy:
(Cusik et al, 2007; n=42; mean age=3.9 years; time post diagnosis unknown; GMPM Level 1, Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy)
The COPM assessment focuses on measuring a mismatch between a person’s abilities and the demands of a task leading to functional impairment. (Macedo et al, 2009)
Cerebral Palsy:
(Cusick et al, 2007, Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy)
Chronic Pain (Calculated from sats in Nieuwenhuizen, de Groot, Janssen, van der Maas, & Backerman , 2014; n= 87; mean age = 41.7 (11.4) years; PDI score 34.9 (7.72);
Chronic Pain (Calculated from stats in Nieuwenhuizen, de Groot, Janssen, van der Maas, & Backerman, 2014)
Chronic Pain (Nieuwenhuizen, de Groot, Janssen, van der Maas, & Backerman , 2014)
Role Limitations (Physical)
Role Limitations (Emotional)
General Health Perception
Construct validity: Spearman correlations between Canadian Occupational Performance Measure performance scale (COPM-P) and Pain Disability Index (PDI) and RAND 36-Item Health Survey (RAND-36) domains at start of treatment.
Chronic Pain (Nieuwenhuizen, Nieuwenhuizen, de Groot, Janssen, van der Maas, & Backerman , 2014)
(Carpenter et al, 2001; n=87 completed the COPM at baseline, end of program and 3 month post intervention; mean age=44, range=19 to 72 years, patients undergoing pain management treatment)
Chronic Pain Patients: (Nieuwenhuizen, et al., 2014; assessed at week 1 and week 12 during the program)
Role Limitations (Physical)
Role Limitations (Emotional)
General Health Perception
Community Dwelling Older Adults: (Tuntland, Aaslund, Langeland, Espehaug, & Kjeken, 2016; n=225; mean age = 80.8 (6.7) years)
Participants who reported “a little improved” after 10 weeks; Performance and Satisfaction scale
The mean change scores (SD) for occupational performance and satisfaction with performance scored on a numerical rating scale (range 1–10), according to participants’ answers in the global rating scale of perceived change
Global perceived change
Number of participants
Mean change score (SD)
A little improved
A little improved
Notes: Independent samples t-tests performed.
Abbreviations: COPM, Canadian Occupational Performance Measure; COPM-P, COPM measuring occupational performance; COPM-S, COPM measuring satisfaction with performance; MIC, minimal important change; SD, standard deviation.
Community Dwelling Older Adults: (Tuntland, Aaslund, Langeland, Espehaug, & Kjeken, 2016)
Community Dwelling Older Adults: (Tuntland, Aaslund, Langeland, Espehaug, & Kjeken, 2016)
Construct validity hypotheses and results
COPM dimension
Hypotheses a
Confirmed hypotheses (yes/no)
Sum score physical function
Single-item score, gait test
Single-item score, usual activities
VAS score health today
Sum score coping
Sum score coping
Sum score mental health
Sum score mental health
a Expected level of Spearman’s correlations.
* Correlation is significant at 0.01 level (two-tailed).
Abbreviations: COPM, Canadian Occupational Performance Measure; SPPB, Short Physical Performance Battery; EQ-5D, European Quality of Life Scale; VAS, visual analog scale; SOC-13, Sense of Coherence questionnaire; MHC-SF, Mental Health Continuum – Short Form.
Community Dwelling Older Adults: (Tuntland, Aaslund, Langeland, Espehaug, & Kjeken, 2016)
Community Dwelling Older Adults: Tuntland, Aaslund, Langeland, Espehaug, & Kjeken (2016) suggests:
Responsiveness hypotheses and results
Confirmed hypotheses (yes/no)
Global rating scale
Significant mean difference a in COPM-P change score for “no change” versus “a little improved”
Global rating scale
Significant difference a in mean COPM-S change score for “no change” versus “a little improved”
Global rating scale
Significant difference a in mean COPM-P change score for “a little improved” versus “much improved”
Global rating scale
Significant difference a in mean COPM-S change score for “a little improved” versus “much improved”
Low correlation b between SPPB change scores and COPM-P change scores
EQ-5D (single-item score)
Low correlation b between EQ-5D self-care change scores and COPM-P change scores
SOC-13 (sum score)
Low correlation b between SOC-13 change scores and COPM-P change scores
MHC-SF (sum score)
Low correlation b between MHC-SF change scores and COPM-P change scores
a Independent samples t-test.
b Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
* Statistically significant at 0.05 level (two-tailed).
** Statistically significant at 0.01 level (two-tailed).
Abbreviations: COPM, Canadian Occupational Performance Measure; COPM-P, COPM measuring occupational performance; COPM-S, COPM measuring satisfaction with performance; SPPB, Short Physical Performance Battery; EQ-5D, European Quality of Life Scale; SOC-13, Sense of Coherence questionnaire; MHC-SF, Mental Health Continuum – Short Form.
Pediatrics: (Verker, Wolf, Louwers, Meester-Delver, & Nollet, 2006; n=80; Psychomotor retardation = 34 (42.5); Cerebral palsy = 14 (17.5); Congenital syndromes = 10 (12.5); Congenital hand/arm deformities = 6 (7.5); Neuromuscular diseases = 3 (4); Other = 13 (16); mean age = 3.7 (1.8); age range = 1 - 7.5; average interval between the interviews = 7 days (2.8))
Pediatrics: (Verker, Wolf, Louwers, Meester-Delver, & Nollet, 2006)
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Bowie, C., Shackleton, T., et al. (1999). "Exploring the responsiveness of the COPM in an outpatient rehabilitation program." Unpublished manuscript.
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Cheng, Y. H., Rodger, S., et al. (2002). "Experiences with the COPM and client-centred practice in adult neurorehabilitation in Taiwan." Occup Ther Int 9(3): 167-184. Find it on PubMed
Cup, E. H., Scholte op Reimer, W. J., et al. (2003). "Reliability and validity of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure in stroke patients." Clin Rehabil 17(4): 402-409. Find it on PubMed
Cusick, A., Lannin, N. A., et al. (2007). "Adapting the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure for use in a paediatric clinical trial." Disabil Rehabil 29(10): 761-766. Find it on PubMed
Cusick, A., McIntyre, S., et al. (2006). "A comparison of goal attainment scaling and the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure for paediatric rehabilitation research." Pediatr Rehabil 9(2): 149-157. Find it on PubMed
Dedding, C., Cardol, M., et al. (2004). "Validity of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure: a client-centred outcome measurement." Clin Rehabil 18(6): 660-667. Find it on PubMed
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Nieuwenhuizen, M.G., Groot, S.D., Janssen, T.W., Maas, L.C., & Beckerman, H. (2014). Canadian Occupational Performance Measure performance scale: validity and responsiveness in chronic pain. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 51(5), 727-46. Find on PubMed
Phipps, S. and Richardson, P. (2007). "Occupational therapy outcomes for clients with traumatic brain injury and stroke using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure." The American journal of occupational therapy 61(3): 328-334.
Ripat, J., Etcheverry, E., et al. (2001). "A comparison of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure and the Health Assessment Questionnaire." Can J Occup Ther 68(4): 247-253. Find it on PubMed
Sewell, L. and Singh, S. (2001). "The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure: is it a Reliable Measure in Clients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?" The British Journal of Occupational Therapy 64(6): 305-310.
Toomey, M., Nicholson, D., et al. (1995). "The clinical utility of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure." Can J Occup Ther 62(5): 242-249. Find it on PubMed
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Tuntland, H., Aaslund, M. K., Langeland, E., Espehaug, B., & Kjeken, I. (2016). Psychometric properties of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure in home-dwelling older adults. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 9, 411–423. doi:10.2147/JMDH.S113727 Find on PubMed
Van de Ven-Stevens, L., Graff M.J.L., Peters M.A.M, Van der Linde, H., Geurts, A.C.H. (2016). Construct validity of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure in participants with tendon injury and dupuytren disease, Physical Therapy, 95(5), 750–757.
Verkerk, G. J., Wolf, M. J. M., Louwers, A. M., Meester-Delver, A., & Nollet, F. (2006). The reproducibility and validity of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure in parents of children with disabilities. Clinical Rehabilitation, 20(11), 980-988.
Wressle, E., Eeg-Olofsson, A. M., et al. (2002). "Improved client participation in the rehabilitation process using a client-centred goal formulation structure." Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 34(1): 5-11.
rehabilitation measuresWe have reviewed more than 500 instruments for use with a number of diagnoses including stroke, spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury among several others.