As per the International Labor Office in Geneva recommendations:
Seafarers are required to undergo medical examinations to reduce risks to other crew
members and for the safe operation of the ship, as well as to safeguard their personal
health and safety. preemployment exam seafarer medical exam pre employment physical
For a crew member taking a seafarers medical exam (PEME) who is over 18 years old the medical certificate or fit for duty certificate can be valid for up to 2 years depending on medical findings. There may be time limitations for example 3, 6 or 12 months for the crew member to follow up with a doctor or get more testing.
As per the International Labor office there are medications and medical conditions that may prevent a seafarer from being allowed to work at sea . Please be aware that these are generally accepted recommendations but we still review every case thoroughly.
This list is not comprehensive but should be used as some guidance.
-Some pain medications
As per the International Labor Office recommendations there are many medical conditions that may limit or disallow someone to work at sea. The following is a list with some of the most common conditions. Please be aware that these medical conditions still need to be reviewed by your doctor to see exact requirements and treatable conditions.
-Many active infections including Tuberculosis
-Alcohol or drug dependence
-Some psychiatric disorders
-Some eye disorders
-Many cardiac problems for example pacemakers, heart attacks
-Many poorly controlled medical conditions for example uncontrolled high blood pressure
-Forms of asthma
I had MMR vaccinations as a child . Why would I need to show proof.
MMR is the vaccination that includes Measles , Mumps and Rubella. Your employer will want proofs of all 3. There are vaccinations that may only include one or two and these would not be adequate. The proof of vaccinations must also include your name, person giving the vaccination signature, date of the vaccination and the medication lot number.